Monday, 8 June 2020

The Gruffalo

This week we are going to do one of my FAVOURITE STORIES!
Library of picture transparent hurrah png files β–»β–»β–» Clipart Art ...


This animation is beautiful but it isn't all the story!

Do the actvities

When you finish 

Date Limit: 15th June

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Short Film-the present

Happy Monday!

This week you are continuing the work on FEELINGS!

How are you today?

I feel happy and a little sleepy!

Activity 1.
Find the feelings words in the WORDSEARCH.

Activity 2) The Present

Look at the key words and copy onto a piece of paper.
This will help you answer the questions for the video.
  Click here:β†’key words

3)Watch the film and answer the questions.

4) What present do you think would make you happy?  
              Draw a picture and write:
                    I want a......
Send your answer to me
Date limit: 1st June 2020

Friday, 22 May 2020

How do you feel? art

Hello hello hello!
How are you today?

Today I feel a little sad because my friend is sad. 😒
Feeling Sad? Try To Get Out Of Your Own Head

I also feel sad because I can't see YOU. 
I miss the lovely children I teach. I miss YOU!
  (os extraΓ±o a todos😒)
Normally I feel happy because I can be with 
Dani and Nora.
Happy Kid PNG and Happy Kid Transparent Clipart Free Download ...


Stop and listen to your body for 2 minutes. Transparent Timer 2 Minute Transparent & PNG Clipart Free Download ...
Think how do you feel today?

Girl Thinking Clipart Transparent Background , Transparent ...

Draw or paint a picture showing me how you feel.

Use colours that show your happy, angry, sleepy


My name is______________  and I feel____________.
send a photo to me:

Date limit: 5th June 

Monday, 18 May 2020

How do you feel?

This week we are exploring our emotions.

During the quarantine it is normal that sometimes we might feel
angrysadworried or bored.

Listen to the song!
Easy song!

Trickier song! But you can do it! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Inside Out Guess the Feeling Game!

Click hereβ†’  Feelings Vocabulary

Go to the links on live worksheets.

Remember when you finish:

Have a great week! 😘😘😘

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Hermit Crab Information

This week we are going to learn about Hermit crabs.

You are going to look at the powerpoint.

1) click here β†’ Powerpoint Hermit crabs

2) Watch the video
And do the quiz 
3)  click here β†’ Hermit crab quiz

4) Finally write about the crab using SVO sentences.
 1) A hermit crab is......
It is.......
2)A hermit crab has...
It has .....
3) A hermit crab can....
It can....
(Minimum 5 sentences)
Send me a photo of your work to...
Date: 18th May

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Book Cover of A House for Hermit Crab

Make a book cover or BOOK JACKET for the story  
A House for a Hermit Crab

 You must write:

The TitleA House for Hermit Crab
The Author: Eric Carle
The Illustrator: (Your name)

You must include a picture of the CRAB and some information about what happens in the story....
Make it attractive 😍😍😍

Here is the video if you want to watch it again:



felt pens

Send it to me:
For 22nd May

Have a good week! 

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

What do animals eat?

Hello everyone!
This week is easy peasy lemon squeezy! πŸ‹
We are going to classify animals by what they eat.

1) Watch the video!

2) Play this game and classify these animals.

Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, an interactive worksheet by AIMOLINERO 
When you finish click here:

3) Now do the quiz!

4) Finally, draw and write the names of 1 herbivore, 1 carnivore and 1 omnivore...

and send it to me at 

Date limit: 13th May

The Gruffalo

This week we are going to do one of my FAVOURITE STORIES ! THE GRUFFALO This animation is beautiful but it isn't all the stor...